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All is lost on global warming without clean coal

"A dramatic warning that "all is lost on global warming" unless the world finds a new clean coal technology in the next few years has been made by the UK energy minister, Malcolm Wicks."


Intense rainfall due to global warming could raise flood risk

"Climate scientists have issued a fresh warning over the future risk of flooding after research showed heavy rainstorms are likely to become even more intense than predicted."

Category: Climate Change


New wave power generation

"An experiment to harness the sea's energy could be helping to produce power within five years, according to its supporters"

Category: Energy sources


Biofuels: US Govt rejects Texas request to halve ethanol target

"The move signals that America remains hungry for biofuels despite evidence of their role in the global food crisis"

Category: Energy sources


Time to encourage biomass growth

"Biomass energy is being touted as a key player in the push to green Europe's electricity supplies, says David Williams. In this week's Green Room, he argues that although there are promising signs, more needs to be done to...

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1996 to 2000 out of 2977